Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I call this broken hearts

Put your hand on your chest and feel your heart beat. Now put your hand where you can feel your pulse. That pulse is the signature of your being. Your heart , creating that pulse, is working for you every minute of the day, every day of the year, every year of your entire life. If you live an average lifetime , your heart will beat about 3 billion times.

Now take a moment to realize that during the time it takes you to read the above an artery in the heart of roughly one Australian clogged up, cut of blood flow and started a rapid process of tissue and cell death. This process is better known as a heart attack. By the time you finish reading this blog four Australians will have had heart attack, and another four will have fallen prey to a stroke or heart failure Over the next twenty four hours 3,000 Australians heart attack this is roughly the same number of people who perished on 911.

The heart is the centerpiece of life and more often than not in Australia it is the centerpiece of death. Malfunction of the heart and/or circulation system will kill 30% of Australians more than those killed by any other injury or ailment, including cancer. Heart disease has been our number one cause of death for almost one hundred years. This disease does not recognize gender or race boundaries, all affected. If you were to ask women what disease poses the greatest risk to them heart disease or breast cancer, many would undoubtedly say breast cancer. But they would be wrong. Women death rates from heart disease is eight times higher than death rates from breast cancer. If this is an Australian game it is rugby an Australian dessert Pavlova . if there is an Australian disease its heart disease.

So why all the Animal Protein?

That’s for next week.

If you do not want to be a stat email me back and learn how not to be one.

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