Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Meet Meat: A Killer

Fortunately for all of us, there have been volumes of good science that have spotlighted and confirmed that we were all meant to consume a plant-based diet. In this article, I will name a few exceptionally credible sources of revealing information.

Diet for a New America, by John Robbins (of Baskin-Robbins fame), and its sequels were brilliantly researched and unquestionably documented. His work effectively informs and surprises even the most inquisitive minds. Robbins forged a new dimension in the meat debate when he revealed the catastrophic environmental effects the industry has on the global environment. He states that meat cultivation is the single biggest contributor to the devastation of our natural resources. The erosion of our topsoil, the poisoning and depletion of our water systems, and air pollution largely created by flatulence from farm animals along with the vapors emitted by the decomposition of carcasses contribute to furthering septic planetary conditions.

Although not a pinnacle of interest to most, these poor animals are terribly mistreated and housed in inhumane, unnatural environments. They are force-fed parts of their own kind to fatten them and injected with steroids, hormones and antibiotics to keep their weakened bodies alive until slaughter. This alone would prevent any compassionate, thinking person from ingesting the decaying flesh of these helpless creatures. Knowing that most people have blocked this from their minds, the most relevant reason not to consume meat is the fact that it presents unbearable health consequences to all consumers. This false food contributes deadly bacteria, viruses, parasites, amoebas and spirochete, even after cooking. These are the least problematic assets of meat. The animal fat/cholesterol is directly linked with every major disease known to man: cancer, heart disease, diabetes, etc. All are partly or greatly manifested from this inedible “food.”

I was lucky enough to work on Forks over knives and in my research I come into contact with the DVD Eating. Eating also scientifically establishes that the diseases plaguing mankind are inadvertently animals’ revenge. We eventually reap what we sow and the consequence of the misery and ill health we bring upon these creatures finally allows them their day in court. This documentary confirms that more people die from overeating than from starvation; eating is the largest cause for disease, disabilities and death and kills two out of three North Americans and Australians. An animal-based diet is the number-one killer of its consumers. We are, sadly, seeing heart disease in schoolchildren, along with a shocking rise in diabetes. Brain cancer is the number-two killer of children, superseded only by accidents. Among adults, 85 percent have hardening of the arteries due to animal food consumption and 40 percent will endure a life-threatening cancer. In North America, half of those 55 years of age and younger will contract some sort of cancer and all of these alarming statistics are rising exponentially we are also seeing this rate increase in Australia. Cholesterol is the major factor in these and other diseases, even those that are not heart-related. Cholesterol is a substance that is only in and received from animal products. Plant-based foods contain no cholesterol. We human creatures also manufacture our own cholesterol for healthy body function and are never in need of consuming it from any outside source. The producer of this work points out that, globally, cholesterol has contributed to more deaths than all the wars of the 20th century, natural disasters and car accidents combined! Prior to the mid-1900, most people did not eat meat daily or even weekly, many not at all. It was the diet of the wealthy and it was the wealthy who acquired all the “exotic” illnesses. In the 1800’s, people did not often die from diet-related diseases. In the early 20th century, heart disease was not prevalent nor was it included in medical textbooks. Cancers, diabetes, arthritis and other diseases were so rare that it was only the elite who suffered from them. Tragically, as meat-based diets became affordable due to government subsidies and shrewd advertising, these diseases crept into the population and now have stunted humanity’s future. With the increased consumption of animal products came an unnatural decline in proper vegetable and fruit consumption. Over the last century, factory farms have virtually eradicated small family farms, causing meat production and distribution to boom. As it has boomed, our disease rates have exploded. Most believe that humans are carnivores and have always been so. This defies a present-day statistic that 60 percent of the world’s population is vegetarian. Our ancestors ate more than 800 varieties of fruits and vegetables. We can eat an abundance of vegetarian foods with life-enhancing benefits, but it takes only a small amount of animal-product consumption to be injurious and even fatal.

As you may not already be aware we have spoken in the last Blog about the most definitive study on human nutrition ever conducted was researched by the eminent Dr. T. Colin Campbell. His indisputable work was published in 1990 as unchallenged science. The general public is fortunate that this body of evidence was distilled into an easily readable volume, The China Study. As professor emeritus, Cornell University, Dr. Campbell’s renown gave him the opportunity of gathering an international team to conduct this decades-long exploration. Together with Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine, they forged an understanding of diet that both surprised them and confirmed that vegan diets are unquestionably the choice for humans. This diligent work very thoroughly and effectively addresses the protein “myth.” The China Study explains that there has been a 100-year confusion that has set the stage for the current and common belief that meat is the best and only source of protein, when in reality it is not an appropriate or digestible food and has devastating effects on our health. We should abstain from it – completely. Comprehensive graphs correlate the consumption of meat with the rise in obesity, heart disease, autoimmune diseases, bone, kidney, eye and brain degeneration and, of course, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

The negative impact of animal foods on the human condition is overwhelming, but it goes even deeper than diseases and environmental destruction. The steroids and growth hormones that have been injected into these animals greatly affect the sexual maturity of our youth. Children today are experiencing early-onset puberty and a wide array of anatomical changes prior to emotional maturity. A 1997 landmark study of 17,000 girls in the U.S. was reported in Pediatrics. Alarmingly, the findings were that one percent of Caucasian and three percent of African-American girls begin developing breasts and/or pubic hair by age three. By age eight, roughly half of African-American girls and 15 percent of Caucasian girls show clear signs of sexual development. The same trend was found with boys, although data is sparse since early sexual maturation is more difficult to track with males. This premature development fuels sexual promiscuity and violence among children. The central cause of this is, of course, a lack of secure parenting. All of this unfathomable reality is directly caused by following misguided dietary advice from mainstream proponents. The chemicals injected into animals are ultimately consumed by humans and propel such enigmas as menstruation at critically young ages, puberty and hair growth in boys and girls with breast and penal development far before it is expected and even breast cancers and prostate disease in many teenagers. In our adult population, 50 percent of 40-year old men cannot perform sexually and the median age for menopause has dropped by 10 years in the last 30 years. Additionally, one-third of couples are unable to conceive children. Eating meat products does not enhance our sexuality, but, in fact, causes a vast number of negative sexual side effects. It is common for women and men who live a vegan/vegetarian lifestyle to be prolific well into their golden years without the need for pharmaceuticals. It is shocking to realize the far-reaching devastation resulting from animal consumption. If you find it difficult to value your own life enough to make wise and forceful choices, at least consider the catastrophic effect those poor selections have on our planetary environment. Future generations should not be plagued with the same ignorance that we have been bred to believe. For them, we must establish concrete parameters of sane living in this insane and lost world. Every day there is further evidence substantiating the need to adapt a plant-based diet. When you have released yourself from the shackles of “normality” and aspired to embrace truth, you will elevate your well-being to the status it deserves.

This is our mission at Transformation make a booking to find out how and take back your health

Be plant strong!

Sunday, November 27, 2011

I call this Lessons from China

Dear friends,

As you may or may not know I have been involved with the team from forks over knifes for the last 3 years in a research role and this Thursday we at Transformation will be showing the ground braking Doco Forks over Knifes it will give you an insight into Dr. T. Colin Campbell's landmark study The China Project and his research career that has spanned nearly fifty years at the highest levels. Dr. Campbell's book The China Study redefines what we have come to know as good nutrition and health. Many of the common notions about the major causes of disease that we have been told are wrong. The truths about optimal nutrition, health and the real root causes of disease lay beneath twisted logic and corporate agenda's. Dr. Campbell has experienced the dark side of science and industry being threatened and told to come to different conclusions regarding his research findings. That didn't stop him. After working in government and policy making and conducting hundreds of original research projects he has decided to step out of the system and let readers know why they are so confused on issues such as diet and health.

Lessons from China

Dr. T. Colin Campbell is a GIANT is the field of nutrition research and has dedicated his life to investigate the relationship between nutrition and disease with a personal and particular interest in how diet effects the cancer process. Dr. Campbell is a Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He has authored over 300 original peer reviewed and published projects and has received over 70 grant years of funding mostly by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the research arm of the federal government of the United States.

Dr. Campbell's legacy The China Project, better known as The China Study was a culmination of a twenty year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. The China project is the most comprehensive study on human nutrition and disease association ever conducted. Gold standard in design, The China Study produced over 8,000 statistically significant associations between certain dietary factors and disease. In particular the project evaluated the influence of animal based protein consumption on cancer progression and heart disease.

The monumental China survey tabulated the death rates for twelve different types of cancer for more than 2,400 Chinese counties and 880 million (96%) of their citizens. The cancer survey formed a large geographical picture (the China cancer atlas) illustrating that certain diseases were localised due to the unique conditions that exist in rural China. There were significant differences in certain disease events from one region to the next. Various cardiovascular disease rates vary by a factor of about 20-fold from one place to another, while certain cancer rates may vary by several hundred-fold. This uniquely presented China as 'living laboratory' to study nutrition, lifestyle and its relationship to degenerative disease in way never seen before.

Dr. Campbell and his team selected 6500 adults from 65 counties (provinces) and the stage was set to collect data in conditions that may never been seen again due to the complex environment within which we choose our foods today. 90% of the people studied lived in the same area their whole lives and due to deeply held traditions and the fact that the transport of external food supply was absent the Chinese people ate locally grown produce.

When The China Project began it was well documented that, at the time in China the Chinese people were not eating refined carbohydrates or excess fat, because China had been a closed society for decades and there were no American or Westernised influences. It was observed that the Chinese people were all eating authentic plant based diets and the only variation in the diet was the amount of animal foods consumed. This was a very important fact, because it allowed the researchers to measure differences in health outcomes based on very small deviations in the amount of animal protein consumed. The results were astonishing, the more animal protein consumed the higher the disease rates, and in particular cancer and heart disease.

This would be an outrageous conclusion, big business meat and dairy in more developed countries have had us swimming in message for decades that animal based protein is the secret to optimal health and vitality! Could the quality of the animal foods be the difference? It was also documented that Westernised farming methods had also not yet been introduced at this time in China and the Chinese people were consuming very pristine animal products, probably would be labelled organic by today's standards and still the relationship held, the more animal protein consumed the higher the disease rates. The same disease events were non-existent in rural China where people ate plant dominate diets, much of it raw with organic animal foods consumed quite sparingly, if any.

Researches have known for some time that genetics actually plays a very small role in terms of health outcomes from diseases such as heart disease and cancer. An individual may have a gene, but that gene need not express. It is evident that certain dietary factors turn genes on and off. Another important fact from China was that 87% of people studied were from the same ethnic group, the Han people, yet they all had varying health outcomes. This finding ruled out genetics influences and narrowed the causative factors down to one very small variation, that was, the amounts of animal based foods eaten.

The China findings were consistent with earlier research conducted by Dr. Campbell and his colleagues in the Philippines. Children were dying from liver cancer (normally an adult disease) thought to be caused by protein deficiency. It was here Dr. Campbell made a dark discovery, that was, the children who were from more affluent families and who were consuming the most animal based protein had the most cancers. These findings turned everything Dr. Campbell had learnt to date upside-down as it was evident that the solution (protein) was actually the problem. Professor Campbell's career took some sharp turns at this point. However, with an opened mind, ethics and the willingness to ask the big questions that truly went against everything he believed and against conventional thinking, it was here that Dr. Campbell began 27 years of animal experiments studying the cause and effect relationship of how protein directly promotes cancer at every stage. In particular animal protein, as he discovered plant protein had NO effect on cancer development.

Dr. Campbell's legacy The China Study is an intelligent book everyone must read on the discoveries and life's work of a man who has been truly at the forefront of nutrition research for decades and who has a genuine desire to inform readers on why they are so confused as to what constitutes the right diet... "After a long career in research and policy making, I now understand why Americans are so confused. As a tax payer who foots the bill for research and health policy in America, you deserve to know that many of the common notions you have been told about food, health and disease are wrong. I propose to do nothing less than redefine what we think of as good nutrition. The provocative results of my four decades of biomedical research, including the findings from a 27 year laboratory program (funded by the most reputable funding agencies) prove that eating right can save your life". So I hope you can get along to this Thursday screening this movie could save your life.

To book with the team at Transformation

Did you know? Sulphoraphane, found in broccoli, cabbage, kale, carrots, and other vegetables, stimulates a cell's production of protective enzymes that inhibit tumor growth.


Sean Kirsten

Get ready for transformation

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Carb Mania

I just got back from the US and just before I returned I was in a restaurant with one of my mates. While looking at the menu, when I noticed a very peculiar low carb meal option. Guess what it was - a massive plate of pasta topped with chicken and vegetables with a tomato based sauce. I stopped to think, hang on the vast majority kilojoules (calories) in this dish clearly came from carbohydrates. How on earth could this be called low carb? Was it a misprint? I don’t think so. At various other times I have noted that salads, breads and even fast food outlets such as Subway have labeled some their range as low carb, even though their ingredients lists demonstrate that in fact the bulk of kilojoules are derived from carbohydrates. What’s doing?
This carb mania is largely the result of the late Dr Atkins New Revolution diet, which lately has been toppled by and replaced by the Dukan and South Beach diet as the king of diet books. Both diets are pitched as being more moderate, easier to follow and - they claim - far safer than Atkins but from what I can tell, the weight loss wolf has just put on a different set of sheep’s clothing.
All of these diets are divided into three stages all three diets severely limit carbohydrate intake during the first phase and all three are heavily based on meat, dairy and eggs. Both the Dukan and South Beach diet for example prohibits bread, rice, potatoes, pasta, baked goods, sugar and even fruit during the first two weeks. After that you can be weaned back onto carbohydrates until you are eating what appears to me to be a fairly typical Australian diet. Perhaps this is why both the Dukan and South Beach diet is such a hot seller.
Now according to the Dukan diet web page and the South Beach diet web page, one quote from a leading Australian women’s magazine wrote the real value of both books is its sound nutritional advice. Both retain the best part of the Atkins regime (meat) while losing the tenet that all carbs should be avoided
Who at this leading Australian women’s magazine reviewed the literature to know whether this is sound nutritional advice or not? And if you have the Atkins diet plus some carbs how different is the diet from the standard Australian diet - the toxic diet that has been shown to make us fat, give us heart disease, destroy our kidneys, make us blind and lead us to Alzheimer’s, cancer and a host of other medical problems? These are merely examples of the current state of nutritition awareness in Australia. Every day, I am reminded that Australians are drowning in a flood of inaccurate nutritional information. I always thought Australians could spot “bullshit”, pardon the swear word, but it appears to me that we are not as good at it as we think.
But I have faith in the average Australian. It’s not true when it comes to the media - we are a becoming a lot smarter. I am starting to see more people asking me what is the truth and keep telling me they just want the truth but have not been able to find it. This because we are so drowned out by media spin and the messages put out by other interest groups (MLA, Dairy, Eggs, etc). Very little nutrition information that makes it to the public consciousness is soundly based in science and we pay a grave price. One day olive oil is terrible the next it is heart healthy. One day eggs will clog your arteries the next they source of protein. One day potatoes and rice are great the next they are the gravest threats to your weight you will ever face.
My goal at Transformation is to redefine how we think about nutrition – provide clear, accurate information, eliminate confusion and make health simple.
The guidance we give is based on evidence generated by peer-reviewed, published research. Publications such as the China study are the very first place you should start.
I want to condense the nutritional lessons learned from this broad range of evidence and from my studies and my experiences over the last 10 years into a simple 12-week program to guide you to good nutrition. I have condensed my knowledge down to several core principles that will reveal over the 12-week program how good nutrition and health truly operate.
Furthermore I have translated the science into dietary recommendations that you can introduce over the 12-week program. Not only will you gain understanding over the course of this time, you will get to see exactly which foods you should eat and which foods you should stay clear of. And the changes you make could be life-changing. Or life-saving.

I’ll end with a line from The Disposable Heroes
“Don’t believe the hype.”

Book a session now.

Stay green.

Sean Kirsten

Sunday, August 21, 2011

I have always been told it’s the Fat

Over the years of Study I have now come to understand now that the protein in milk can be potentially more harmful than the fat WHAT THE I hear you scream. For example research has linked consumption of cow’s milk by infants to increased risk of juvenile diabetes and the causation is in relation to the creation of antibodies for cow’s milk protein. The amino acid chains constituting this protein resemble the amino acid chains on the pancreatic cells that produce insulin. And it is believed that one of the causes of juvenile diabetes (Type 1) is that the anti bodies to the milk proteins attack these pancreatic cells. It is a biochemical phenomena known and molecular mimickery although it is not responsible for 100% of the cases of juvile diabetes population studies show that the introduction of cow’s milk consumption into a culture is usually followed by a upward spike in the juvenile diabetes rate.

Additionally Dr Campbell’s research again the China study shows a cause and effect relationship between animal protein and a development of cancer in his laboratory experiments because the utilized Casein a milk protein. Recently data was examined from the nurses’ health study to determine whether there’s a relationship between the consumption of dairy products during high school and the development of acne. The high school diets of 47355 women were examined and correlated with Dr diagnosed acne. Participants were asked how many servings per day of milk they consumed the dairy foods group include milk, instant breakfast drinks, sorbet, ice-cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, hard cheese and butter. 61.2% drank whole milk, 20% drank low fat milk, 7.4% drank skim milk, and 2.1% consumed powdered milk. Only 7.7% didn’t drink any milk at all proof that the dairy industry has done a fine job of marketing its products this can also be said about Australian dairy. The researchers concluded that intake of milk during adolescence was related to the development of teenage acne. The association was more marked for those drinking skim milk than those drinking other forms. Which confirms the accretion that the dairy protein is a major problem rather than the fat content of milk being the only culprit. And that means that a low fat milk product is actually far worse for you than a fully fat milk product but there aren’t any milk products that would be considered health foods in my opinion.

Now organic milk or dairy foods can be better from the stand point that they don’t contain contaminants such as bovine growth hormone and antibiotics, but they still contain the milk protein. And research has shown that the link between cow’s milk and cancer, anemia, juvenile diabetes (Type1), and infections and all the other things we’ve talked about is the milk protein, your still going to have that in an organic milk product.

For many years, let’s talk about osteoporosis for a minute because this bone health issue is the principle marketing technique for the dairy industry, you must get calcium from milk products, there great for your bones excreta. For many years attempts to reduce the incidence of osteoporosis have focused on increasing calcium consumption. The RDI for calcium has been steadily adjusted upward without any reduction in osteoporosis or bone fracture rate, in fact it is going up not down. It appears that maintaining bone health is actually dependant on issues other than calcium consumption. And one of them is discontinuing calcium draining lifestyle habits and obtaining calcium from the proper food sources. The standard Australian diet and lifestyle continues, includes a lot of habits that drain calcium from the bones and these include the consumption of alcohol and caffeine containing beverages, tobacco use, soft drinks, over consumption of meat and dairy foods, refined salt, ant acids, excess protein consumption in general, insufficient exercise, lack of sunlight, you know so there are all kinds of issues. This bone health issue is not as simple as just increasing your consumption of dairy products or calcium. And the studies that I referenced earlier alluded to that as well. So by now I hope I have help you understand a little that dairy products are not only unnecessary but detrimental to bone health and health in general and you can be armed with the right information and hopefully stop consuming them. You will need to consume calcium however and plant foods are the best source of it since the body can make better use of the calcium contained in these foods. Taking into consideration the bioavailability of calcium and available calcium in consideration of calorie content of foods. And that’s just as important. If you what to know what plant foods are the best why not make an appointment with Transformation you never know you just might get well.

Until next time stay well

Monday, August 1, 2011

Digestive Enzymes

Digestive Enzymes

I was with one of my clients last night Jane. Hi Miss Jane she was reading last month Blog and asked the question what is an Enzyme? We’ll Miss Jane I am going to talk about digestive enzymes this month and I hope this will clear up any concerns

  • Enzymes can be grouped into three categories: metabolic enzymes, digestive enzymes and food enzymes.
  • Enzymes are proteins that function as 'catalysts' or 'accelerators' in the body.
  • All biochemical reactions within the human body, including energy production, metabolism, reproduction, the immune system, and the digestive system utilize enzymes.
  • There are thousands of different enzymes that regulate bodily functions and these body functions would not be possible were it not for enzymes. Simply put, without enzymes, life could not exist.
  • Metabolic enzymes are the enzymes made within the cells of the body to perform specialized tasks required for life and health.
  • We must be sure that nothing interferes with the body making enough of these highly-specialized metabolic enzymes by minimizing exposure to toxins and providing the body with all the nutrient co-factors necessary for these enzymes to function optimally.

This article is dedicated to the topic of digestion and the specialized digestive enzymes that make this happen. No matter what we eat - whether it is vegetables, pizza, fruits, salads, chicken or any other food - we consume essentially three basic bulk food materials: protein, carbohydrates and fats.

Before the body can utilize the protein, carbohydrates and fat, these large complex macromolecules must be broken down into smaller and simpler substances. This process - the process of breaking down food complexes into the simple nutrient substances the body needs - is digestion. If digestion does not occur, the nutrients in foods remain trapped in the food and never become available to the body for all its various functions - making new cells, tissues, hormones and creating and activating the metabolic enzymes.

The fact that the body can't receive any of the essential nutrients required for metabolic function without proper digestion highlights the critical role of digestion and digestive enzymes in the health and function of the body. Unfortunately, most people take it for granted that the food they place in their mouths will be digested, absorbed and assimilated into the body's cells. Most people are totally unaware that without digestive enzymes, their cells would literally starve. Digestion only takes place as the result of the interaction of enzymes with the complex molecules that make up food. In other words, enzymes make digestion possible.

No nutrient becomes available to or utilizable by cells unless digestive enzymes do their job in transforming the food into a form the body can use. This transformation must result in nutrients that are small enough to pass into the blood through the minute channels of the intestines and are in chemical forms acceptable to, and utilizable by cells and tissues.

The process of breaking down foods into utilizable forms happens in stages and requires different enzymes for each component of the food. The first stage actually begins with the chewing of food. Under the best circumstances (as with eating raw food), the chewing pulverizes the cellular material of the food and releases the enzymes contained in the food. The enzymes immediately begin the process of digestion of the nutrients contained within the food. In addition, as chewing begins, the food is bathed in saliva, which also contains enzymes. Saliva is especially rich in the enzymes that break down starch or carbohydrate, called amylase.

The importance of this feature of digestion is often overlooked. Yet, it is the primary reason behind the traditional wisdom of chewing your food thoroughly before swallowing. Both food and the body's own secretions within the digestive tract contain enzymes and both types of enzymes assist in this early stage of digestion.

Food and salivary enzymes can digest 60 percent of starch (carbohydrate), 30 percent of protein and 10 percent of fat in stage 1 and the beginning of stage 2, even before the body's other secretions become active. To whatever extent enzymes are missing, however, that stage of digestion will be incomplete.

Consequently, the digestive process in the subsequent steps will be slowed down significantly or never take place at all. If this happens, undigested food will be exposed to the small intestine and may not be absorbed, resulting in lower energy levels, less nutrient availability and potential food allergies.

Continuing on with the digestive process, as soon as the food is chewed, digestion continues as it travels to the stomach where the second stage of digestion begins. In the stomach, the food is exposed to stomach juices including hydrochloric acid (HCL). This acid slowly causes the pH to become very acidic and is a vital function in the digestive process. The stomach may require as long as one hour to reach its most acidic condition. During this time, the enzymes from saliva and food continue to digest food. As the stomach reaches its low pH level, the enzymes from saliva become inactive, and another acid-active enzyme called pepsin is secreted.

Pepsin performs a critical role in the digestion of protein, but is only active in an acid environment. Individuals who use acid-blocking medications can inactivate this important enzyme and disrupt digestion.

After the food has been substantially digested, it moves into the small intestine. This is considered the third stage of digestion and begins in the duodenum (the first section of the small intestine). Here, juices from the liver and gall bladder secrete an emulsifying agent called bile. It is the bile and bile acids, as they enter the duodenum, along with enzyme secretions from the pancreas, that continue the breakdown of nutrients. These secretions also contain alkalizing chemicals, known as bicarbonates, which help neutralize acids left over from the stomach and bring food into a slightly more alkaline range. This process is extremely important because pancreatic enzymes are only active when in the slightly alkaline medium that occurs during this stage.

It is in this stage of digestion that the enzymes secreted by the pancreas - lipases, proteases, peptidases and amylases - do most of their work to complete the conversion of food into usable nutrients.

  • Lipases digest fats
  • Proteases and peptidases complete the protein digestion that was started in the stomach.
  • Amylases complete the digestion of sugars and starches.

After the digestive process in the duodenum has done its job and the food is in its simplest form, the digestive process proceeds to the next portion of the small intestine, called the jejunum, where the final step occurs. The jejunum is almost exclusively devoted to the function of nutrient absorption. If digestion has been efficiently performed up to and through this final stage, the only remaining residue should be fibrous material and non-nutritive portions of food.

When all of the stages of digestion are completed properly with all the necessary enzymes, the body receives the nutrients it needs to function. When digestion doesn't occur properly, the body will not receive all of the nutrients it needs. Hopefully, you no longer take digestion for granted and you are now asking yourself, "How can I make sure that digestion occurs properly?"

That question can be answered by making a booking with Transformation and take up the chance to Transform your diet. For the month of August we are offering 12 week transformation pack for just $950 was $1140.

Yours in health


About Transformation

Transformation is a Sydney based holistic training and education business. Our goal is to teach people about diet and lifestyle habits, their health outcomes, health longevity and quality of life. We aim to provide current information that helps people distinguish between advertising and marketing and scientific facts.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Food, Not Fiction

Recently in western society, there has been an unwavering trend towards vegetarianism. We are finally acknowledging the abundant positives from consuming foods that do not leave behind debris. Further, we have de-intellectualized nutrition and started to respond to our own instincts in this matter. Here at Transformation, we have refined the message of vegetarianism and brought us back to our historic and biochemical roots. Now, for several years we have observed the obvious benefits that all people gain from consuming foods with the three most important elements.

Oxygen, enzymes and hormones far outweigh even the full spectrum of nutrients that are gained from an organic non-cooked diet: yet most people are still being led by the nose by the pill-pushers who have convinced all of us that we must take mega-doses of nutrients to gain health.

We have known that a vitamin, mineral or protein cannot be used by the body unless oxygen and enzymes, with a chemistry we call hormones, are all present as you would find them in raw food.

Let us review the significance of nutrition to humans. Our most important element is Oxygen, the very heart of each of our billions of cells. In science, hemoglobin from oxygen is the fuel that generates life as we know it. This primary molecule acts as a magnet to all nutrients.

As always, we humans have conflict with the very things that bring us health. There has been an enormous backlash from the quasi-scientific community who are offering you ways out of doing the right thing. The leaders in the pack are such notable theories as The Zone Diet, which on its jacket suggests that we surrender complex-carbohydrates for a can of tuna fish, The Atkins Diet, which suggests you starve yourself from nutritive foods and embrace red meat in a big way, The Blood-type Diet, which speaks about body types requiring different types of food to allow our bodies to be healthy.

With all due respect, the absurdities they are preaching further suggest that how we should eat is a complicated maze of hard-to-understand facts. Those of us who are looking for compromise, not abundant health, will find solace in these philosophies and continue in habitual, half-hearted attempts to live well.

Enzymes are known as the catalyst to all life. When a sperm and egg come together it is an enzyme activity that gives the spark to new life. Ironically, when we take our last breath the enzymes that generate life also disassemble it and return us to the earth. Amazingly, modern science looks at enzymes purely as a protein, whereas when you open the exterior protein shell you will find abundant electricity. The most important nutrient to you is electric!

If one challenges this, think of what we do when a heart stops beating. We certainly do not offer vitamins or minerals. We re-ignite it with a strong electrical charge.

Hormones are actually chemistry from one cell that affects another cell. It has only been in recent years that we are starting to understand the significance that this chemistry plays in both your physical and psychological well-being. Unfortunately, at this time, our understanding equates that of a day old baby. As we grow, there is no doubt that we will conclude that our bodies were built to gain hormonal nutrients from hormonal-rich living food. With these nutrients lacking, all of our twelve physical systems will suffer, and maybe even more important, our mental faculties will be skewed.

Of course, vitamins and minerals, trace minerals, elements, and proteins are the substance builders of the human cell and play the fourth most important role in gaining health and strength. If one critically observes our thinking on these nutrients you will see that we over-exaggerate the amounts needed and under-value the importance of acquiring them in a living and complete state. Once a food or a supplement is heated above 115 degrees F, the support system of oxygen-enzyme-hormone and other nutrients is destroyed, leaving the food of supplement to be non-beneficial and in many cases harmful. This harm comes from the compromised immunity which results from the need your body has to eliminate non-useable elements by your immune system.

Our greatest enemy in embracing the food that is clearly for human consumption is our own weak and habit-ridden minds. Our focus is taste and feeling rather than fuel and energy. This misguided passion, rather that purpose, has led us into widespread disease and psychological doldrums, it is time to go beyond your lowest denomination and reach for the maximum result. It is only frightening to those who are falsely comfortable in their world of moderation and unwitting self-degradation. We are each capable of restoring our physical and emotional integrity through the utilization of integrity-rich foods. Let us hope that you do not wish to continue your ride on the merry-go-round of nutritional theology and half-truths. Within your own conscious and positive changes, there will be significant signs of what life can truly be.

“Every calling is great When greatly pursued.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

About Transformation

Transformation is a Sydney based holistic training and education business. Our goal is to teach people about diet and lifestyle habits, their health outcomes, health longevity and quality of life. We aim to provide current information that helps people distinguish between advertising and marketing and scientific facts.