Over the years of Study I have now come to understand now that the protein in milk can be potentially more harmful than the fat WHAT THE I hear you scream. For example research has linked consumption of cow’s milk by infants to increased risk of juvenile diabetes and the causation is in relation to the creation of antibodies for cow’s milk protein. The amino acid chains constituting this protein resemble the amino acid chains on the pancreatic cells that produce insulin. And it is believed that one of the causes of juvenile diabetes (Type 1) is that the anti bodies to the milk proteins attack these pancreatic cells. It is a biochemical phenomena known and molecular mimickery although it is not responsible for 100% of the cases of juvile diabetes population studies show that the introduction of cow’s milk consumption into a culture is usually followed by a upward spike in the juvenile diabetes rate.
Additionally Dr Campbell’s research again the China study shows a cause and effect relationship between animal protein and a development of cancer in his laboratory experiments because the utilized Casein a milk protein. Recently data was examined from the nurses’ health study to determine whether there’s a relationship between the consumption of dairy products during high school and the development of acne. The high school diets of 47355 women were examined and correlated with Dr diagnosed acne. Participants were asked how many servings per day of milk they consumed the dairy foods group include milk, instant breakfast drinks, sorbet, ice-cream, yogurt, cottage cheese, cream cheese, hard cheese and butter. 61.2% drank whole milk, 20% drank low fat milk, 7.4% drank skim milk, and 2.1% consumed powdered milk. Only 7.7% didn’t drink any milk at all proof that the dairy industry has done a fine job of marketing its products this can also be said about Australian dairy. The researchers concluded that intake of milk during adolescence was related to the development of teenage acne. The association was more marked for those drinking skim milk than those drinking other forms. Which confirms the accretion that the dairy protein is a major problem rather than the fat content of milk being the only culprit. And that means that a low fat milk product is actually far worse for you than a fully fat milk product but there aren’t any milk products that would be considered health foods in my opinion.
Now organic milk or dairy foods can be better from the stand point that they don’t contain contaminants such as bovine growth hormone and antibiotics, but they still contain the milk protein. And research has shown that the link between cow’s milk and cancer, anemia, juvenile diabetes (Type1), and infections and all the other things we’ve talked about is the milk protein, your still going to have that in an organic milk product.
For many years, let’s talk about osteoporosis for a minute because this bone health issue is the principle marketing technique for the dairy industry, you must get calcium from milk products, there great for your bones excreta. For many years attempts to reduce the incidence of osteoporosis have focused on increasing calcium consumption. The RDI for calcium has been steadily adjusted upward without any reduction in osteoporosis or bone fracture rate, in fact it is going up not down. It appears that maintaining bone health is actually dependant on issues other than calcium consumption. And one of them is discontinuing calcium draining lifestyle habits and obtaining calcium from the proper food sources. The standard Australian diet and lifestyle continues, includes a lot of habits that drain calcium from the bones and these include the consumption of alcohol and caffeine containing beverages, tobacco use, soft drinks, over consumption of meat and dairy foods, refined salt, ant acids, excess protein consumption in general, insufficient exercise, lack of sunlight, you know so there are all kinds of issues. This bone health issue is not as simple as just increasing your consumption of dairy products or calcium. And the studies that I referenced earlier alluded to that as well. So by now I hope I have help you understand a little that dairy products are not only unnecessary but detrimental to bone health and health in general and you can be armed with the right information and hopefully stop consuming them. You will need to consume calcium however and plant foods are the best source of it since the body can make better use of the calcium contained in these foods. Taking into consideration the bioavailability of calcium and available calcium in consideration of calorie content of foods. And that’s just as important. If you what to know what plant foods are the best why not make an appointment with Transformation you never know you just might get well.
Until next time stay well
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