Sunday, November 27, 2011

I call this Lessons from China

Dear friends,

As you may or may not know I have been involved with the team from forks over knifes for the last 3 years in a research role and this Thursday we at Transformation will be showing the ground braking Doco Forks over Knifes it will give you an insight into Dr. T. Colin Campbell's landmark study The China Project and his research career that has spanned nearly fifty years at the highest levels. Dr. Campbell's book The China Study redefines what we have come to know as good nutrition and health. Many of the common notions about the major causes of disease that we have been told are wrong. The truths about optimal nutrition, health and the real root causes of disease lay beneath twisted logic and corporate agenda's. Dr. Campbell has experienced the dark side of science and industry being threatened and told to come to different conclusions regarding his research findings. That didn't stop him. After working in government and policy making and conducting hundreds of original research projects he has decided to step out of the system and let readers know why they are so confused on issues such as diet and health.

Lessons from China

Dr. T. Colin Campbell is a GIANT is the field of nutrition research and has dedicated his life to investigate the relationship between nutrition and disease with a personal and particular interest in how diet effects the cancer process. Dr. Campbell is a Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University. He has authored over 300 original peer reviewed and published projects and has received over 70 grant years of funding mostly by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the research arm of the federal government of the United States.

Dr. Campbell's legacy The China Project, better known as The China Study was a culmination of a twenty year partnership of Cornell University, Oxford University and the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine. The China project is the most comprehensive study on human nutrition and disease association ever conducted. Gold standard in design, The China Study produced over 8,000 statistically significant associations between certain dietary factors and disease. In particular the project evaluated the influence of animal based protein consumption on cancer progression and heart disease.

The monumental China survey tabulated the death rates for twelve different types of cancer for more than 2,400 Chinese counties and 880 million (96%) of their citizens. The cancer survey formed a large geographical picture (the China cancer atlas) illustrating that certain diseases were localised due to the unique conditions that exist in rural China. There were significant differences in certain disease events from one region to the next. Various cardiovascular disease rates vary by a factor of about 20-fold from one place to another, while certain cancer rates may vary by several hundred-fold. This uniquely presented China as 'living laboratory' to study nutrition, lifestyle and its relationship to degenerative disease in way never seen before.

Dr. Campbell and his team selected 6500 adults from 65 counties (provinces) and the stage was set to collect data in conditions that may never been seen again due to the complex environment within which we choose our foods today. 90% of the people studied lived in the same area their whole lives and due to deeply held traditions and the fact that the transport of external food supply was absent the Chinese people ate locally grown produce.

When The China Project began it was well documented that, at the time in China the Chinese people were not eating refined carbohydrates or excess fat, because China had been a closed society for decades and there were no American or Westernised influences. It was observed that the Chinese people were all eating authentic plant based diets and the only variation in the diet was the amount of animal foods consumed. This was a very important fact, because it allowed the researchers to measure differences in health outcomes based on very small deviations in the amount of animal protein consumed. The results were astonishing, the more animal protein consumed the higher the disease rates, and in particular cancer and heart disease.

This would be an outrageous conclusion, big business meat and dairy in more developed countries have had us swimming in message for decades that animal based protein is the secret to optimal health and vitality! Could the quality of the animal foods be the difference? It was also documented that Westernised farming methods had also not yet been introduced at this time in China and the Chinese people were consuming very pristine animal products, probably would be labelled organic by today's standards and still the relationship held, the more animal protein consumed the higher the disease rates. The same disease events were non-existent in rural China where people ate plant dominate diets, much of it raw with organic animal foods consumed quite sparingly, if any.

Researches have known for some time that genetics actually plays a very small role in terms of health outcomes from diseases such as heart disease and cancer. An individual may have a gene, but that gene need not express. It is evident that certain dietary factors turn genes on and off. Another important fact from China was that 87% of people studied were from the same ethnic group, the Han people, yet they all had varying health outcomes. This finding ruled out genetics influences and narrowed the causative factors down to one very small variation, that was, the amounts of animal based foods eaten.

The China findings were consistent with earlier research conducted by Dr. Campbell and his colleagues in the Philippines. Children were dying from liver cancer (normally an adult disease) thought to be caused by protein deficiency. It was here Dr. Campbell made a dark discovery, that was, the children who were from more affluent families and who were consuming the most animal based protein had the most cancers. These findings turned everything Dr. Campbell had learnt to date upside-down as it was evident that the solution (protein) was actually the problem. Professor Campbell's career took some sharp turns at this point. However, with an opened mind, ethics and the willingness to ask the big questions that truly went against everything he believed and against conventional thinking, it was here that Dr. Campbell began 27 years of animal experiments studying the cause and effect relationship of how protein directly promotes cancer at every stage. In particular animal protein, as he discovered plant protein had NO effect on cancer development.

Dr. Campbell's legacy The China Study is an intelligent book everyone must read on the discoveries and life's work of a man who has been truly at the forefront of nutrition research for decades and who has a genuine desire to inform readers on why they are so confused as to what constitutes the right diet... "After a long career in research and policy making, I now understand why Americans are so confused. As a tax payer who foots the bill for research and health policy in America, you deserve to know that many of the common notions you have been told about food, health and disease are wrong. I propose to do nothing less than redefine what we think of as good nutrition. The provocative results of my four decades of biomedical research, including the findings from a 27 year laboratory program (funded by the most reputable funding agencies) prove that eating right can save your life". So I hope you can get along to this Thursday screening this movie could save your life.

To book with the team at Transformation

Did you know? Sulphoraphane, found in broccoli, cabbage, kale, carrots, and other vegetables, stimulates a cell's production of protective enzymes that inhibit tumor growth.


Sean Kirsten

Get ready for transformation

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