Did you know almost everybody's diet is extremely low in alkaline minerals ... even if you eat a moderately alkalizing diet? That's right! In this edition of Transformation Ph Balancing Guide we are going to walk through some numbers to illuminate this very issue.
Let's say you ate the following "alkalizing diet" in a given day:
Bowl of oatmeal with blueberries, fat-free yogurt and a glass of fresh squeezed carrot & apple juice.
Steamed rice with vegetables and a small salad
Spelt pasta with canned tomato sauce and a salad
Here's the "rough" breakdown of the minerals you'd be getting in our "Sample Diet":
Potassium 2500 mg's
Sodium 1500 mg's
Calcium 605 mg's
Magnesium 272 mg's
Manganese 4.7 mg's
Iron 16 mg's
Also note, that because conventionally grown produce is typically grown in mineral depleted soil, the amounts of minerals just listed could be far less!
According To The National Academy Of Sciences, here’s what your body "Actaully Needs":
Potassium 4700 mg's
Sodium 1500 mg's
Calcium 1000 mg's
Magnesium 420 mg's
Manganese 2.3 mg's
Iron 8 mg's
Many nutritional and medical professionals choose these recommended allowances as more "healthy" than the AUSDA's Recommended daily allowances.
So, even by eating this alkalizing diet, you'd be deficient in the following alkaline minerals by the following amounts:
Potassium 2200 mg's
Calcium 395 mg's
If you ate like most Australian, these mineral deficiencies would be even more staggering! Not only that, your diet should contain at least 3 times as much potassium as sodium. If it does not, then the balance between the water inside your cells and the water outside your cells is off. Your cells become dehydrated when this happens. Most Americans exceed 2000 mg’s of sodium in a day - so the amount of potassium required to maintain proper cellular ion balance is a whopping 6000 milligrams!
As you can see, it's not difficult to become mineral imbalanced and thus pH imbalanced.
When this happens, your body lacks the basic elements to combat damaging acids inside your body, and acidification begins!
This is why it is so important to supplement your diet with Juice Plus. It contains the perfect balance of minerals to keep your cells functioning properly and to help combat acids that can wreak havoc in your body.
To find out more Email me sean@creatinglifestylesthatwork.com
Yours in Health
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